Home > Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep
Microbe-Lift Autumn/Winter Prep

Product Description
Helps accelerate the decomposition of leaves, scum, sediment, and other organic matter during the fall and winter months.
Microbe-Lift Autumn/winter is a 2 part system. The package consists of one quart liquid bacteria and 2 ounce water soluble packets with a blend of cellulase enzymes, cellulase - producing bacteria and a cold weather bacteria. The cellulase enzymes along with cellulase producing bacteria, are key to accelerating the breakdown of leaves, organic sediment and sludge all winter long. The cold weather bacteria and liquid bacteria take care of the initial breakdown by-products.
The quart size is usually used in pond to 4,000gallons. The application rate is monthly, both the powder and the liquid are used for the first two months, the liquid only is used the last two months.
We have found this product beneficial to help reduce the springtime algae blooms.
Will continue to provide sustained biological activity in water temps even under 55 degrees
Helps jump start your pond to a healthier environment in the spring
Helps to maintain a healthy immune system for your fish during the winter months
Reduces buildup of dead leaves and organic sediment all winter long
If frozen, the bacteria will remain effective after thawing out
Effective in darker conditions (under snow & ice